りょう ちん せん





Hi, I am Jason. Welcome to my portfolio.


Task-driven game developer with over 3 years solid experience in Unity3D, developing inovative applications and games with the use of AR technology.
With my passion in 2D illustration, I also draw game arts and design the UIUX. Creating immersive and fun gaming experience for users is my goal.

I have submitted an application for a Japan Working Holiday Visa in 2024, and I am eager to pursue professional opportunities in the country.





Participated over 10 game jams, designing unique game mechanizes and creating art assets




Can draw in Chinese painting, water color, oil color and digital




Experienced in AR, always trying new technologies




Worked as a Unity developer for over 3 years




Game Jams


I have participated in variety of game jams working as an illustrator/ graphic designer. Here are some of my works. Hover for more details, hit "Play" to play in browser at 1kmountains.itch.io


Global Game Jam Hong Kong 2024 - Best Original Game Award

A whimsical game inspired by the famous artist Picasso, that embodies the theme of the GGJ2024. You control an empty human face, embarking on a delightful quest to collect and combine facial features like eyes, noses, and mouths. The goal? To craft the funniest faces imaginable and make a baby laugh. This simple yet captivating concept is packed with humor and creativity, offering you to unleash your inner comedian and imagination.

「Peekassoo」は私たちがGlobal Game Jam HK 2024に提出した作品であり、「Best Original Game」賞を受賞しました。今年のテーマである「笑わせて」という言葉から、私はPeekabooを思い出しました。これは、親が子供たちを面白い表情で笑わせるために使うゲームです。私たちのゲームでは、プレイヤーが顔を操作して周りに投げられた顔の特徴をキャッチします。最後にどんな顔を作るのか、ぜひ体験してください。

Necromancer Alone
Brackeys Game Jam 2022.2

Your grandma was dead in a witch-hunt, leaving you an ancient sorcerer book. But you are not alone! With the book, you can create your own friends to fight against the holy armies! What will you create? A three head monster?

あなたのおばあちゃんは魔女狩りで亡くなり、あなたに古代の魔術書を残しました。 しかし、あなたは一人ではありません! その魔術書をつかて、自分に仲間を作り出して、聖なる軍勢と戦うことができます!因みに、あなたは何を作成したいですか?三つ首のモンスターか?

Global Game Jam 2022 Hong Kong

A story-driven deck-building card game. Each card is divided into an upper and lower part, with each part representing a different action. Players can choose one action from the card, leaving the other action for the enemy to perform. Createing combos and limiting the damage taken are the key to success.

ストーリー重視のデッキ構築カードゲームです。 各カードは上下に分かれ、それぞれ異なるアクションを表します。 プレイヤーはカードの一方のアクションを選択し、相手はもう一方のアクションを実行します。 コンボを作成し、受けるダメージを制限することが成功の鍵です。

Ghostly Delivery
Brackeys Game Jam 2021.1

"Ghostly Delivery" is a RTS game that you need to control multiple ghost minions to deliver cargos to the city portal. We ranked at #146 out of #1888 entries (top 8%). As the artist of the game, I tried to use a pink-ish background to build up a delightful dreamy night city atmosphere.

「Ghostly Delivery」は、複数の幽霊手下を操作して、荷物を都市のポータルに配達するのRTSゲームです。私たちは、#1888エントリー中#146位にランクインしました(上位8%)。ゲームのアーティストとして、ピンク色の背景を使用して、楽しい夢のような夜の雰囲気を作り上げることを試みました。

Hungry Dice
Global Game Jam 2022 Hong Kong

"Hungry Dice" is a strategy board game where players control a dice that rolls on the board. The objective is to trigger an attack action by rolling onto the floor button, and the strength of the skill depends on the value of the dice rolled facing down. . The game involves a mix of strategy and consideration, as players need to utilize the power of the dice to survive as long as possible

"Hungry Dice"は、プレイヤーがボード上を転がるサイコロを操作するストラテジーボードゲームです。攻撃アクションをトリガーすることが目標で、その強さは下になるサイコロの出目に依存します。ゲームは戦略と考慮の要素を組み合わせており、プレイヤーは可能な限り長く生き残るためにサイコロの力を利用する必要があります。

Morning Star
Brackeys Game Jam 2021.1

"Morning Star" is a puzzle game that players need to You are Lucifier, the morning star. You are going to flood the world with chaos.




Here are the projects I have been participated in working as a Unity developer.


Inspekly Editor

Inspekly is a project to transform workforces with digital checklists, powered with augmented reality guidance and an in-door tagging system. I am in charge of creating an editor for visualising the area target, creating items and packing the data as a json file to upload.


To enhance the user experience, UIUX are refined and implemented in the project, such as Undo system, multiselection system, dynamic dropdown, etc. The project can be used on iOS, Android, PC and Win.

UIUXはプロジェクトに洗練と実装されています。例えば、UNDOシステム、複数選択システム、DYNAMIC DROPDOWNなどがあります。

Find out more on www.inspekly.com.


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Fidelidade AR

Fidelidade in Portugal is an insurance company that has recently trained an AI model to detect car damage for an insurance claim. For an accurate result of the AI detection, they need a solution to ensure the user can take a full 360 view of the car following regulations to prevent frauds.


Hence, we leverage the AR technology to create a walkthrough for video taking. The project was created in Unity using ARFoundation, built as an SDK plugin for their application. During the walkthrough, distance between the car and the user, camera angle, camera movement are constantly tracked. Unuseful clips will also be trimmed out in real time.

AR技術を活用して、指示を出すながらビデオ撮影のためのウォークスルーを作成しました。 ウォークスルー中には、車両とユーザーの間の距離、カメラの角度、カメラの動きが常に追跡されます。また、無用なクリップはリアルタイムでトリミングされます。 このプロジェクトは、UnityでARFoundationを使用して作成され、彼らのアプリケーション用のSDKプラグインとして構築されました。

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The Four Little Pigs

Inspired by the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs", "The Four Little Pigs" is an asymmetrical multiplayer mobile game I worked for my Final Year Project at 2020. Players have to correctly identify the wolf in disguise before they all get eaten.


Pigs are required to build a house for the night, and a rocket to escape. Meanwhile the wolf will need to hunt them down one by one secretly. I am in charge of the game design, programming, 3D modeling, and UIUX design.


Feel free to visit my FYP Blog for the process of creation.

制作過程については、私のFYPブログ をご覧ください。

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Instrukly is a light verison of Inspekly using the Lens in Snapchat. As my company is selected as one of the Snap's AR Innovation Lab Ghost’s partners, we can access the internal version of Lens Studio to create custom lens.

Instruklyは、Inspeklyの軽量版で、SnapChatのレンズを使用しています。私の会社がSnap's AR Innovation Lab Ghost’s のパートナーとして選ばれたため、私たちはLens Studioの内部版を使用してカスタムレンズを作成することができます。

Instrukly takes use of the QR code scan in Snapchat to fetch the world coordinate system, which can be used to provide a guide through in an easy-to-use way. Here is a demo video on how to use a 3D printer in a local Primary school using the Instuckly. Developed in JavaScript with Lens Studio.


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